Many many more to come.
- A – G
- The Aborted
- Acid Cowboys
- Act, The
- Action Men
- Dave Adams Combo
- Ad-Lib Club
- Age of Sin
- Air Supply
- Alpha Brass Convention
- Ken Allsopp
- Almost Grown
- Robert Cromwell Anson
- Anthony Dares Progress
- Aparition, The
- Apex Jazz Men
- Apricot Nougat
- Arachnids, The
- Arkangel
- Adrian Armstrong
- Art Failure
- Artful Dodgers, The
- Ashes, The
- Al Atkinson
- Atomites, The
- Autumn Design
- B Movie
- Badd Lads (Scunthorpe)
- Badger
- Bad Axe
- Barracuda
- Beachcomber Club VENUE
- Bead-A-Row-Walk
- Beatles in Nottingham
- Beatmen, The
- Beatroots, The
- Richard Beckinsale
- Terry Bennett & Sassafras
- Berlin
- Bobby Charles
- Gina Birch
- John Birch
- Birch and Hallam
- Bisons, The
- Michael Blount
- Blue Caps, The
- Blues and Roots
- Bluespots, The
- A Blues Folk Train (Bodega 1967
- Blue Saints, The
- Blue Train
- Bollards, The
- Boston Gliderdrome, Lincs
- Pete Bradley
- Breed, The
- Bride
- Anne Briggs
- Big Bill Broonzy
- Buccaneers, The
- Victor Buckland (DERBY Store)
- Loraine Burgon
- Captives, The
- Care
- Carl and the Starlighters
- Carl Pagan and the Heathens
- Captain Cook’s Dog
- Carlsbro (Sound Amplification, from Mansfield)
- Carpetbaggers, The
- Stewart Carr Band, The
- Jim Cartwright
- Castle
- Mike Charles & The Cavaliers
- Cavochords, The
- C Cat Trance
- Centuaris
- Chaesers, The
- Chameleons, The (Retford)
- Chants
- Chets, The
- Children, The
- Chimneys, The
- Chipps, The
- Chunks, The
- Cisco
- Samuel Clarke
- Codolar Studio
- Andrew Cole
- Colours of Love
- Johhny LaVerne and the Comanches
- Commercial Sounds
- Consorts, The
- Constant Flux
- Julien Covey and the Machine
- Countdowns, Tony and the
- Colin Cox Big Band
- C. Q. 15
- John Crocker
- Roger Lymer and his Crusaders
- Dancing Slipper (VENUE)
- Dalesmen, The
- Dangermen, Ricky Trent and the
- Dark Star
- Decoys, The
- Ray Dane and the Diamonds
- Big Ugly Dane and the Diamonds
- Daughters of Time
- Dawn and the Dee Jays
- Dawn Trader
- Dead Presley’s
- Debonaires, The (Retford)
- Clive Denson Trio, The
- Desperate Dann
- Diamond Skiffle Group
- Diary, The
- The Dickens Set
- Bruce Dickinson
- Dirty Tricks
- Tim Disney
- Dolomites, The
- Down To Earth
- Drains, The
- Drug Squad, The
- Druids, The
- Dueces, The
- Duffy Taylor Blues
- Dungeon Club, The
- Dynamic Detours
- Vince Eager and the Vagabonds
- Embers West
- Emery Chase
- English Electric
- Electrons, The
- Escorts, The
- Eyes, The
- 4 By Four
- Fantoms, The
- Farmyard Jazz Band
- Farran Kristy and the Sapphires
- Farran Kristy and the Jaybirds
- Farran Kristy Big Six
- Fatal Charm
- Favourites, The
- Mark Fayne and the Astronauts
- Shane Fenton and the Fentones
- Festival Inn, Trowell
- Few, The
- John Fiddy
- Five Fellas, The
- 5 Images, The
- Flashpacket
- Flavour
- Flee-Rekkers, The
- Colin Fletcher
- Flintstones, The
- Flower Scene – Magazine
- Forgotten Kind
- Football
- Four Point Five
- Frank Fiddle Four
- Franklyn and Kennedy (Retford(
- French, The
- Fred Karno’s Army
- Fritz
- Futurists, The
- 1,000 Fuzztone Guitars
- Gaffa
- Galactic Symposium
- Garage, The (Venue)
- Georgina and the Georgettes
- Ghosts Of Nottingham, The
- Gill Ellis Four
- Jonathan Gill
- Alan Gilmour
- Gingerbread
- Globetrotters, The
- Glider
- Dave Green
- Greenhouse
- Grief’s Child
- Grotto’s Grimms
- GT’s, The
- Reg Guest Trio
- Gwaihir
- H – Q
- Hades
- Halfway There
- Hardware
- Hare
- Harmonica Vagabonds
- Roy Harris
- Steve Harris
- Steve Harvey
- Harry and the Atoms
- Harvey Stuart Group
- Head For Texas
- Heartbeats, The
- Hells Bells
- High Bread Mishap
- Tony Hinchcliffe Skiffle Group
- Hippo
- Robert Hirst and the Big Taste
- Hit
- Hogweed
- John Holmes (Broadcaster)
- Hollywood
- Hoodoos The
- Homer Dogg
- Hop Scotch and Blanket
- Terry Horbury
- Hormones, The
- Colin Horton
- Hound Dogs The (60’s)
- Houndogs, The (70’s)
- Simon House
- Hope Howard
- Hustlers The
- Ice
- 5 Images, The
- Imperial, The (Venue)
- Incas, The (1)
- Incas, The (2)
- Incrowd, The
- Infant
- Injexshun
- Injun
- Innocent
- Inside Page
- Intrepids, The
- Intruders, The
- Invisible Friends
- It’s Viable
- Iva Jiva’s, The (Retford)
- Ivy League, The
- Lambs of the World
- Frankie and the Lance B trio
- Lap Region
- Last Call
- Last Pedestrians, The
- Johhny LaVerne and the Comanches
- Alvin Lee
- Les Devotees
- Lethul Dose
- Liberty Bell
- Life without mother
- Limelight
- Limelights
- Philamore Lincoln
- Lincolnshire Poacher (Pub)
- Lincolnshire Poacher Rock Family Tree
- Liquorice Magazine
- Litter, The
- Billie Lodge
- Long Beach California
- Loose Cannons
- Loose House
- Lost
- Lovely Bodies, The
- Lovin, The
- Low C
- Jackie and the Laytons
- Tony Jackson
- Jaded Lemon
- Jaybirds, The
- Ivan Jaye and the Jaybirds
- Ivan Jaye and the Jaycats
- Ivan Jaye and the Jaymen
- Farran Kristy and the Jaybirds
- 23 Jewells
- The Jewry Rhythm Band
- Jig-Saw, The
- Jo-De-Ro’s
- John Smith Affair, The
- Trevor Jones Jazzmen
- Junco Partners
- Junkyard Angel
- Just Four with Cindy
- Karl and the Soundcasters (Retford)
- Rik Kenton
- Jon Kerry
- Tony Kinder’s X-IT
- Bill Kinnell
- Phil Kinorra
- Kobalts, The (Grantham)
- Koncords, The (Newark)
- Kyro
- Lawmen, The
- Magnum Opus
- Malibu
- Mansfields, The
- Vince Marshall and the Square Cats
- Martinies, The (The Martinz)
- Marzipan
- John Maslen
- Glyn Mason
- Matarka
- Maze
- Meadows (Stories)
- Medicine Hat
- Medium Medium
- Mensch
- Merlin’s Wake
- Mercia Jazz Band
- Billy Merrin
- Metronome
- MĂ©zzoforte
- Mid Beats, The
- Midco Jazz Band
- MI Five
- Midknights, The
- Midnight Shift, The
- Milkwood
- Milton’s Head (VENUE)
- John E. Moon
- Moor Farm Inn (Venue)
- Morris Convertible
- Mosaic (Sunset)
- Colin Moss
- Moods, The
- Moonlight Drive
- Mothers Worry
- Music Box
- Ma’s Own Blueberry Pie Scoffers
- Mint, The
- The Mysteries
- Mystery Blues
- Nashville Men, The
- Mary Naylor
- Ned Ludd (Nottingham)
- Ned Ludd (Leicester)
- Nerve, The
- New Apostles, The
- Paul Newman and the X’Caliburs
- Nightlife
- Nimbus
- None So Blind
- No Tears
- Nottingham Blue Stars, The
- Nottingham Castle Rock Album 1974
- Nottingham Sound Studio
- Nottinghamshire County Youth Orchestra
- Oasis
- Odin’s Storm
- Odysseus
- Old School
- Earl Royce and the Olympics
- Omega
- Orlovus Incorporated
- Orphan
- Our Young
- Outputs, The
- Outward Band
- Overshoes
- Ian Paice
- Keith Paice
- Paladins, The
- Pancho (1) (1971)
- Pancho (2) (1977 – 79 ex Cisco)
- Paperback Edition, The
- Paper Lace
- Sanders Papworth
- Party, The
- Patterns in Peru
- John Parr
- Peace
- Eric Pembleton Big Band
- Pendulum
- Tony Penny
- Petals (DJ & Venue)
- Paul Dennis and The Phantoms
- Dean Raider and the Phantoms
- Phonograph
- PIGALLE (Venue)
- Pink Harmony
- Pipers Moon
- Plummet Airlines
- Su Pollard
- Potential Difference
- Presidents Men, The
- Press, The
- Progress, The
- Pugma-Ho
- Purple Haze (Nottingham)
- Purple Haze (Holbeach)
- Pussy Foot 4
- R – Z
- R & B Messengers
- Rally Rounders, The
- Rapides, The
- Rapids, The
- Roger and the Rattlesnakes
- Rave-Ons, The
- Raw Meat
- Reason, The (Retford)
- 4 Reasons, The
- Red Go Red
- Red House Blues Band
- Red Sun
- Red Wine
- Redwoods, The
- Relations, The
- Resistance 77
- Restovem, The
- Rewellers Midlandu
- Rhythmets
- Ricki-Tics
- Riff
- Road, The
- Roaring Jelly
- Rockets
- Rocking Jets (The Jetts)
- Rockin’ Ron’s Combo
- Rocking Vulcans, The
- Alan Roper
- Dave Rossiter & Friends
- Dave Rowberry
- Rube Sunshine
- Graham Russell
- Paul Russell
- Six Across (6AX)
- Salty Dogs, The
- Sandpiper Club (Venue)
- Satan’s Vomit
- Screw
- Secret, The
- Selectadisc (Record Shop)
- Sense
- Shane Wyman and the Senators
- Sherwoods, The
- Scapa Flow / SF2
- Silhouettes, The (Nottingham)
- Silhouettes, The (Derby)
- Sin City Studio (Nottingham)
- Mike Sinclair
- Six Hands In Tempo
- Skiffle in Notts
- Skin Patrol
- Skyliners, The (Derby)
- Skyye
- Slant, The
- Slender Loris
- Slip Hazzard and the Blizzards
- Small Print
- Nigel Smith
- Snow Party
- Soloman’s Parables
- Solvent Abuse
- Some Chicken
- Sonics, The
- Sons of Adam
- Sons and Lovers
- Sounds on Location
- Spanner
- Spasm
- Spoonfull
- Square Roots, The
- Colin Staples
- Rayne Starr and the Aliens
- Alvin Stardust
- Starlites, The
- State Five, The
- Statesmen, The
- Stepping Out
- Stereo MC’s
- Stone Pony
- Stormbeats, The
- Strange Days
- Strangers
- Strauss
- Strawberry Fields
- Streets of Sadness
- Storm
- Storms, The
- Ricky Storm and the Stormcats
- Bobby Wayne and the Stormers
- Steve & the Straycats
- Stuart Becket
- Studio 36 (Recording studio Northampton)
- Stu Stevens
- Stumble, The
- John Summers
- Superdude
- Syncro Sound
- Tadpole Lane and district County Council Charity Band
- Talkies, The
- Tall Boys, The
- Tame River Boys, The
- Tandem
- Tarquinz
- Pete Tattersall
- Tatum
- Tea Set, The
- Tempo Victors
- Ten Years After
- Tellers, The
- Terrapin
- Johnny Theakstone
- This End
- Tiddleywinks, The
- Tiny Davis and Soul A Gogo
- Tiny Davis and the Rest
- Today
- Bob Todd
- Token Gesture
- Tomorrow The World
- Toni’s Tigers
- Tony D and the Shakeouts
- Tony and the Varitones
- George Toone
- Toreadors Rhythm Group
- Tracy and the Sapphires (Worksop)
- Traffic, The
- Travellers, The
- Trenside Four / Trentside Five
- Trekkers, The
- Tropical Boot Company, The
- Tristram Shandy
- T Set, The
- Turbines, The
- Dave Turner
- Turning Points, The
- Twenty Per Cent (20%)
- Tykons, The
- Tynd Sluj
- Union Blues
- Unknown Punk Group
- Upset, The
- Alan Upton and his Jailbreakers
- Vagabonds Skiffle Group, The
- Val and the Strollers
- Velvet Explosion, The
- Verbal Warning
- VENUES of Nottingham
- Vibrants, The
- Viking Rhythm V
- Vicky and the Kordettes
- Victoria Embankment Bandstand (Venue)
- Volume 4
- Vybratones, The (Retford)
- Wanderers, The
- Reg Wale
- Jet Wayne and the Cavaliers
- Alan Ward
- Warrior
- Lloyd Watkins (Wocko)
- Watt the Dickens
- Wave
- Way Ahead Magazine
- Weeping Sac (South Yorkshire)
- West Precinct
- Wheels
- Whichwhat
- Wiseman
- Wolves, The
- Spike Woods
- Woody Kern
- Working Party
- X’Caliburs, The
- Xenophon The
- X-IT
- X-Rays, The
- YEW TREE FARM (Studio)
- Eddy Young
- Younger Generation
- Yukons Rhythm Group
- Zacariah
- Zanti Misfits, The
- Zero-iD
- Zeros, The
- Zodiacs, The
- Zoot Alors