Mosaic (Mosaic Sunset)

Late sixties Nottingham group. 1968/69

See more at the Playedinaband website

They may have had “Sunset” as a band name too. They became “Highly Likely”

The were formerly known as “The Traffic

From an old Paper Lace website

In 1967 the line-up had gradually changed (from The Houndogs) and we became “MOSAIC”, supporting such bands as Status Quo, Bill Haley and The Comets, Blue Mink and The Sweet.

l to r: Alan Carnell (lead vocals), Gordon Beresford (lead guitar), Neil Rowe (drums), me (on bass) and Chris Black (rhythm guitar).

Below is one of some now nicely dated recordings we did for the new BBC station, Radio 1.

From Nottstalgia Forum

I used to know a Clifton girl called Adrienne Black, very beautiful she was. She had two brothers, Chris Black and Lyne Black. One of the brothers, and I can’t remember which, was the drummer in a one-hit-wonder Nottingham group. I been wracking my brains (the little I have left) but can’t remember the group. Can anybody please help out? This would be in the mid to late 60’s.

Chris Black played with me in the band Mosaic during the 60’s and early 70’s.  He lives in Australia now.  Mosaic morphed into Highly Likely and they recorded the theme song from The Likely Lads.  It charted to No 37 so that was the ‘One Hit Wonder’ you refer to.  He latterly went on to join Mike Pender’s Searchers.  He played guitar and keyboards.  You can find him on the Playedinaband website.

Posted February 16, 2018
On 3/6/2017 at 7:08 PM, LizzieM said:
Is this ‘Mosaic Sunset’ radfordlad? If so I know Graham Wyville who is still playing nationally. The group used to practice in the canteen at Thorn Bendix when I worked there in the 60s and early 70s.

Sorry for the time lag, LizzieM but I stopped following thi site for ages. It’s too addictive, but I’ve started again recently now I have more time. Yep, that’s Mosaic Sunset I was referring to. Mosaic/Mosaic Sunset morphed out of The Hound Dogs who started in 1964 when Graham Wyvill was still at school. We did indeed practice at Thorn Bendix and we used their amplifiers. If you look on the Playedinaband website you’ll see a photo of The Hound Dogs in the canteen with the BEL equipment. Band members are L-R, Richard ‘Rik’ Kenton ( famously played bass on Virginia Plain), myself Alan Carnell, Mick Kenton (Richard’s brother), Bob Wyvill (Graham’s brother who sadly passed away in 2003) and Graham.

What’s your name and did we ever meet?