Lincolnshire Poacher Rock Family Tree

This is a task I have set myself. To produce a “Pete Frame” style rock family tree centred around the groups that play in the Lincolnshire Poacher pub on Mansfield Road in 2022. For those that don’t know Pete Frame, an Aylesbury compatriot of John Otway (Poacher regular), published a book in the late seventies that was a fantastic way of plotting the history of the sixties and seventies groups who had lit up the world of modern rock and pop.

How I am going to do this, I’m not sure yet, but there is enough history between the musicians of the various groups to make it a worthwhile snapshot into some of the groups of Nottingham seen through the prism of the “Poacher”. Four of the regular players have roots going back into the sixties, so it will be reach back fifty years. Those four are Colin Staples, Harry Stephenson, Wayne Evans and Paul “Beano” Summers.

As a side story here is one about someone who visits the pub who can claim to have won the F.A. Cup no less.

A starting point on the family tree is individual musicians band lists as below:

Wayne Evans

Paul “Beano” Summers

Colin Staples

Harry Stephenson

Clive “Myph” Smith

Jon Harris

Pat Furber


Phil Jackson

Tim Disney

Dave Sidebottom

Paul Quadross

Mark Joseph

Magic Car – Phil Smeeton, Hazel Atkinson, Martin West


More coming later………………

Some other pages of interest

Radford F.C.

Lady bay

Track Titles

John Carlin