Tony and the Countdowns

Nottingham group. 1962 / Early sixties.

The band was front to back. Graham Fred Smith on drums, Ian Lamb keyboard, Graham’s brother Tony Smith lead vocals, Graham Johnson lead guitar and Pete Harrison bass.

They had a great old round fronted Bedford van sign written Tony and the Countdowns 5,4,3,2,1. was their opening number.

Graham Fred Smith went on to play Congas with Cisco

Colin Fletcher The M.I.5………was asked to sing for them, then their singer threatened to pull all their gig bookings away. Yes your right, they had to let me go, great band, if any are still out there,……love & peace…….Colin. P.s They lived near the Northern Baths…

Vox continental organ. They were about the first band in Nottingham to have one lol. Hence it’s on their card. Think Dave Clark 5 had one.

All this info was found on a thread on Old Clubland Acts Facebook group.