Rewellers Midlandu

Polish group on the scene since the sixties. The Midland Revellers.

There is not much to be found about this group but it seems they might have originated in Nottingham or had connections here.

These are the mentions I have found.

From VeryGoodPlus

bizarre Polish record from Bolton
02-05-2009, 05:18 PM
I always spend my money on something that looks a bit different and this was no exception. It’s in the thickest card sleeve you could ever imagine, which opens at the bottom rather than the top. The record is from “Melody and Rhythm rec. co. ltd.” in Bolton and credited to the Mustangs with the Midland Revellers. Little is given on the Mustangs except for the initial and surname of each member on the front of the sleeve, but 2 photographs of the Midland Revellers are included as “Rewelersi Midlandu” so clearly Polish. Their signatures are on the back of the photographs too.
A little bit of research leads me to a MR Hausman in Nottingham (one of the band members as shown on the signatures). I think I’ll pop this in the post to him on Tuesday. The record is definitely mid 60s and not as MOR as the photo mights suggest, bordering on beat.

03-05-2009, 02:54 AM
Had this Mustangs 45 awhile back, it’s neither as good nor as bad as it looks (if that makes sense). From memory, the ‘gentle beat’ description is fair, a bit tepid but certainly not terrible. Have since picked up a couple of other UK/Polish 45s from the late 60s/70s but – so far, anyway – none of them has really been worth hanging onto for very long. Has been quite a big Polish population in Nottingham since at least the end of WW2 so not too surprising the inserts (which weren’t in my copy, incidentally) point in this general direction…


From 45cat

Pilot Mariner
Member since Apr 2014
1 Points
Hello thanks for your replies.

The Midland Revellers were a Polish vocal group set up in 1954 and retiring in 2000. They performed in excess of 500 shows at various Polish clubs throughout the UK. They also produced various records during their time, teaming up with the mustangs in 1966 and producing the above record together with some others on the MAR label.

Jules – I have sent you some PMs with further info.

Juke Jules
15th Apr 2014
Pilot Mariner – Can you tell us anything more about the band and its members?
I have mp3s, please drop me a PM

  • Jules

Pilot Mariner
14th Apr 2014
Does anyone have a copy of this record as my dad played the piano on this. – Thanks

Juke Jules
17th Nov 2012
While growing up in Darwen, Lancashire, guitarist Bryn Haworth was in local band The Mustangs. I’d love to know who played on this record

Juke Jules
3rd Dec 2011
Thanks for that info about this odd little record, Sam, and good luck with your UK45s website

3rd Dec 2011
Diy label: The record is from “Melody and Rhythm Record Co Ltd. 4 Manor Street, Bolton, Lancshire. And credited to the Mustangs with the Midland Revellers. Little is given on the Mustangs except for the initial and surname of each member on the front of the sleeve, It was in the thickest card sleeve you could ever imagine, which opens at the bottom rather than the top.
Manufactured And Distributed By Melody and Rhythm Record.