
Nottingham group 1975 – 1978

Line up:
Terry Penn: Bass Guitar
Robin Guildford: Guitar
Paul Pinder: Drums

Later drummers:
Bob Moss
Tony Smith (who everyone knew as ‘Sid’)
Bob Todd

The band formed in early 1975. Bass guitarist Terry Penn had a career beginning in the sixties with The John Smith Affair and later Whichwhat who had a successful recording career. He teamed up with guitarist Robin Guildford and through a succession of drummers and a roadie “Jet” they played the clubs of the East Midlands region. Paul Pinder had drummed for Carlo Santanna, a past member of Paper Lace. The roadie “Jet” had been a bass guitarist with The Slant in 1967 and Hogweed in 1970/71.

Some of the Terrapin story can be read in context on the Bob Todd page.

L to R is Bob Moss (drums), Jet (Roadie), Richard Guildford (Lead Guitar and Lead Vocals) and front middle Terry Penn (Bass Guitar and Lead Vocals)
Terrapin Handout 1977 Wellington Street, Arnold, 30 July 1977 L to R Bob Todd, Mel Munks, Richard Guildford and Terry Penn
Terrapin 25 Nov 1977 Gregory Hotel, Lenton, 25 November 1977. L to R = Richard Guildford, Terry Penn, Mel Munks, Bob Todd
Terrapin, venue unknown L to R Richard Guildford, Mel Munks, Terry Penn and Bob Todd
Terrapin, venue unknown L to R Richard Guildford, Mel Munks, Terry Penn and Bob Todd


International Musician & Recording World – Aug 1975

The above article can be read here. http://www.muzines.co.uk/articles/buzz/6621