Nottingham Blues Rock band circa 1974/77
Line up:
Ian Belton: Guitar
Paul “Beano” Summers: Keyboards
Mick: Vocals
Chris Syson: Bass
Vince Noonan: Drums
then Billy Hammond: Drums
They played the Boat Club, Town Arms, Imperial, Unity club Beeston etc. They supported Judas Priest at the Newark Palace in 1975. In 1974 the back room of the Town Arms started having blues and rock nights. Colin Staples had a blues night on Tuesdays, Ned Ludd a residency on Wednesdays and Gaffa a residency on Thursdays.
Paul “Beano” Summers had previously played with the Tadpole Lane County Council Charity Band 1966 – 69, Colin Staple Band 1969 – 72, Stone Pony 1972 and The Houndogs 1974.
There was another group called Ned Ludd working in Scotland at the same time and an early seventies group called Ned Ludd led by Mick Pini working Leicester circa 1969-1970. Read about them here.




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