Derby based group that became Pugma-Ho.

It started in 1968 as a Jo Wright Art School band the Incas with Chris Camm guitar and Dave Coxon bass joined eventually by Keith Gotheridge on drums and Cliffe Simms on keyboards playing pop around the local pubs and clubs. As the band moved towards the rock influences we decided to recruit vocalist Bev Staley who promised to be a good front man. Bevs arrival was soon followed by Cliff’s departure as the bands influences started to change.
With original material and a heavier rock sound it was decided a name change was called for, Pugma-Ho (kiss my arse, in Gaelic) was born.
Three “Incas” songs from 1969 were released on the CD Pugma-Ho from 2004.

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There was band called The Incas from Melton Mowbray (I think) in the mid seventies who released an album and a single on Tank records.
There was another band The Incas from Scarborough who released a single on Parlophone in 1966.
More coming soon………………….