Pete is from Nottingham. He has played in various bands since the sixties.
He was in Global Village during the late sixties which featured Bill Nelson who went on to become well known first with Be Bop Deluxe and then solo.
A cd was released in 2001 Bill Nelson – Electrotype (The Holyground Recordings 1968 · 1972) featuring 12 tracks by Global Village but it seems Pete is not on these recordings.

Pete wrote these words to introduce his website Roll Back The Years.
Well it’s me Pete Bradley
and since the early sixties I’ve played in groups of one kind or another and I’m still doing it (pete bradley, “sad old git” did I hear you say ! )
most of which I’ve got nothing to remember them by except for the stuff in my head.
Sometimes I wonder if other people who were involved at the time would remember things as I did.
You know, the passage of time and all that stuff, how it clouds the memory and enhances the recollections !
Well I never made it with any band and I thought there must be thousands of us out there somewhere and it’d be just great if we could get all our memories and stories together, there must be pictures maybe even a few tracks.
Then I had the idea for Roll back The Years
Then I wondered how to do it and when I bought a computer the answer was spinning it’s hard disk right next to me.
So I’ve had a go at this web site thing. I’m not sure how it works but it’s quite good fun and sometimes quite exasperating.
pete bradley 2003
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Pete also played in Flashpacket.
Other bands Pete has played with are:
Riki and the Ravers
Midnight Express