Chesterfield group 1972/78
A group called Odinstorm played in the South Yorkshire / Sheffield area in the early to mid 70’s. A group called Odin’s Storm played in Nottingham a few times in 1977 and I’m going to presume they were one and the same group. In Nottingham they played the Unity Club in Beeston, The Imperial and the Boat Club all mainly rock clubs at the time.

A facebook thread on Old Clubland Acts has this picture and comments from John Norah Smith. “I saw them at Askern Spa in the 70’s. They came 2nd to UFO in the melody maker rock contest think 1976”.
Mick Knowles drums
Tim Cryon bass
Richard Cryon lead guitar
Bob Barber lead guitar and vocals
all from chesterfield
Terry Knowles. “My brother got some I got one somewhere they were called pelican first then changed their name band members Mick Knowles drums Tim cryon bass Richard cryon lead guitar Bob barber lead guitar and vocals all from chesterfield”.