Colin Moss has had a long career in music since the mid sixties. It starts with a local Lincoln group.
Colin was Lincoln born in 1952. At 15 he started playing in his first proper group called The Counter Beats around 1966/67. “we did covers of The Beatles and The Kinks, playing working men’s clubs. When I left school at 16, when I look back, I could have made good money playing working men’s clubs 3 or 4 times a week“.
Colin used to go to the Boston Gliderdrome. Opening at the dawn of the sixties it was a venue that attracted the cream of the sixties groups. “I saw Ten Years After, Ike and Tina Turner, The Nice The Equals, Amen Corner and Ginger Bakers Airforce. It was 30 miles away and there was no media then and I missed some like Stevie Wonder and Otis Redding“.