They were formerly Long Eaton group Centuaris in 72-75. Captain Cooks Dog split in 1977 with members forming or joining The GTs and The Favourites in 1978/79.

Line up:
Tony Berrington: Guitar, Vocals
Paul Betts: Drums
Kevin Green: Bass, Vocals
John Lord: Piano, Organ, Vocals
Keith Straw: Synthesizer, Vocals, Flute
A rock group, formerly Centuaris, now with a fifth member Keith Straw, playing prog rock with leanings towards a West Coast sound influenced by Greenslade, Upp, Bob Marley, Joe Walsh and Gentle Giant. Although covering a few tracks they wrote many of their own numbers including “Bone Idle”, “Song”, “Lay Off Me Whiskey” and “New Day”. They were managed by Stu Knowles who also booked the groups at the Boat Club during the seventies. They gigged around the country as well as on the local circuit. They recorded some songs at Paddy Flynn’s Rainbow studio on St James’s Street around 1977.