Nottingham new wave band. 1977 to 1980.
A band I remember with some affection as I knew both Robert Dakin and Graham Lees from junior school days at Lady Bay in West Bridgford and also met the other guys occasionally.
The five piece line up was:
Bill Redfern: Guitar, Vocals
Rob Dakin: Drums
Graham Lees: Guitar
Patrick Allen: Keyboards
Tim Ward: Bass

They were formed in 1977 and went on to record a single and a song for a compilation album. They split up at the end of 1980.

Those three songs plus others from the era have been released on an album called Cardiology. You can hear it on YouTube.
There is a face book group here.
They had roots further back than 1977. There were previous bands that have connections to Art Failure. “Acid Cowboys” and “Neon”.
The possible line up of Neon was:
Dave Crown on Drums
Andy Hyde on Bass (I think)
Graham Lees on Guitar,
Rob Dakin on Guitar
Patrick Allen: Harmonium
The first line up of Art Failure in 1977 was:
Bill Redfern: Guitar, Vocals
Neil Arksey: Guitar
Andy Monk: Bass
Rob Dakin: Drums
Much much more to come later ……………